Saturday, August 23, 2008

Losing Credibility: AP's Conservative Bias Takes Down Old Reliable

I don't like borrowing heavily from other web sites or blogs, but this story was just to important to pass up. I recently noticed a blatant conservative bias in an AP story appearing in my own daily paper, the Wisconsin State Journal, that prompted me to call and talk with the editor of the local section. She informed me they did not alter the story in any way, printing it as is from their paid wire service AP. And because there are fewer editors to over see every story, reprinting AP stories is now more the norm than the exception. The editor was also unfamiliar with the new ultra conservative AP DC bureau Chief John Fournier.

Being a news junky myself, I started to notice a strong conservative bias in AP stories over the last few months, peaking when AP sued a blogger for reprinting elements of their stories and posting them, like I do here. It was then that noticed the same thing, and featured a number of examples, the same examples that stood out in my research. Here's the latest from that should end all speculation:

We learned last month that the Associated Press’ DC bureau Chief John Fournier is a huge fan of Karl Rove and the Bush administration and considered taking a job with the McCain campaign so when he stepped up to the plate for the GOP candidate this morning, it came as little surprise. The headline of his article says it all:Analysis: Biden pick shows lack of confidence By RON FOURNIER, Associated Press Writer:
The candidate of change went with the status quo. In picking Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate, Barack Obama sought to shore up his weakness — inexperience in office and on foreign policy — rather than underscore his strength as a new-generation candidate defying political conventions.

He picked a 35-year veteran of the Senate — the ultimate insider — rather than a candidate from outside Washington, such as Govs. Tim Kaine of Virginia or Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas; or from outside his party, such as Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska; or from outside the mostly white male club of vice presidential candidates. Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't even make his short list.

The picks say something profound about Obama: For all his self-confidence, the 47-year-old Illinois senator worried that he couldn't beat Republican John McCain without help from a seasoned politician willing to attack. The Biden pick is the next logistical step in an Obama campaign that has become more negative — a strategic decision that may be necessary but threatens to run counter to his image.

I know, it's really is incredibly biased. Check out more here...

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