Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wisconsin Accounted for Half the Nations Employment Numbers? All Bulls**t!!

You just knew something was wrong, didn’t you? Did Wisconsin really add about half of all the jobs created in the country? 

This bold lie is so over the top ridiculous and insulting, that I’m surprised the truth will be reported by a few feature writers in our local newspapers.

This was a major breach of the public trust by the Walker administration, and they should be apologizing for it.

But what you saw instead was a concerted effort of Gov. Walker and the Republican state legislature to get as much mileage out of their bogus jobs SPIN as they possibly could before they were found out.
CapTimes: "It's incredibly important to put that in perspective," said Gov. Scott Walker in touting the new numbers. "To have 9,500 net new jobs in the state at a time when the country saw just 18,000 net new jobs all across the country is incredibly good news." Assembly Majority Leader Rep. Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford, also weighed in, saying "Accounting for more than half of the nationwide gain in June employment is a remarkable feat."

They didn’t hold the bullshit back.

But then, low and behold, we found out that other states had bigger job increases; Texas added 32,000 jobs, California 28,800, Michigan 18,000, Minnesota 13,200 etc.

The whole Walker press spin was pathetically wrong, as Cap Times’ Mike Ivey explains:
Claims that Wisconsin accounted for half of the nation's employment growth last month are pure fantasy. In fact, Wisconsin didn't manage to crack into the top five states in job growth.

The amazing claim, “half of the nationwide gain in employment,” stepped into the realm of the surreal. The real reason, and the source of this convoluted upside down lie told by the Walker administration, was less spectacular:
The reason the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures show just 18,000 more net jobs in June is that other states saw a drop in the number of people working.

Declines came in Tennessee (-16,900), Missouri (-15,700), Virginia (-14,600) and Kansas (-7,500), among others.

Not to mention, what should have been the headline instead: The state unemployment rate actually ticked higher in June.

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