There's nothing we can about the Trump voters gullibility, they've bought into every empty promise.
Voters faith in Trump is a mystery. He lied 70% of the time, according to Politifact.
I will watch with glee when rural Republican voters, who believe Trump is going to lower the cost of health care, see their premiums go through the roof. And they will lose their affordable insurance on the exchange. If they thought they were disenfranchised before, just wait. I'm ready for it. They're not, and they're going to go down with me:
Hmm, as it turns out...
Oddly, Democrats have fewer ObamaCare enrollees:In winning what Republicans see as a mandate to repeal Obamacare, Donald Trump carried the Wisconsin counties that participate in a key part of the health program at higher rates
An analysis by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel shows that people living in the 59 counties won by Trump enroll in the Affordable Care Act's private health insurance exchange at a higher rate than the 13 mostly urban counties that backed Democrat Hillary Clinton.
-In all, 157,751 people in the Trump counties enrolled in the exchanges in the most recent year ... in the Trump counties, about 4.3% of the population is enrolled in the exchanges and in northern Wisconsin counties like Vilas, Iron and Door, the rates of exchange enrollment rise to nearly 10%.
-In the counties won by Clinton, 3.8% of the population enrolled in the exchanges, or 81,280 in all. The two powerhouse counties for Democrats — Milwaukee and Dane — enrolled at below average rates of 4% and 3.2%, respectively, and few other Democratic counties have high usage rates.
Those who didn't vote for Trump will have to endure the consequences of his presidency. But that's okay, knowing we'll see every Trump voter get stiffed right along with everybody else. Everything will cost more as each and every free market/deregulation Trump promised is fulfilled.
Trump voters will be so invested emotionally in their "leader," that they never admit mistakes or be allowed to take the blame.
Trump voters will be so invested emotionally in their "leader," that they never admit mistakes or be allowed to take the blame.
Whatever may be said about trump, he is bringing out the best in your ability as a blogger. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThey are also planning on privatizing Medicare and giving Medicaid block grants to states. Both are disastrous policies and will hurt people in every single state. I use to live in Wisconsin and do not recognize the state anymore. I do enjoy reading your blog and hope you keep up your vigilance.
ReplyDeleteThis map is also a good indication where the working poor lives in Wisconsin, which is what gets you in the income bracket/job type that lands you on the exchanges.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet these guys continue to vote for GOP politicians that wont raise the minimum wage and will screw them out of health care. Because....FREEE-DUM!!!