Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Romney Flaunting Filthy Rich, Grotesquely Opulent lifestyle...get used to seeing it.

Remember how Republicans attacked John Kerry for his elitist penchant to sailboard?

Yet, Republicans are now okay with with Mitt Romney taking his jet ski out, or using a 150 foot yachting in the Cayman Islands during the convention to entertain the wealthy elite. Donors weren't embarrassed by their presence, but they also weren't about to give their name to ABC's Brian Ross.

I truly believe they want voters to get used to seeing the wealthy...oops, I mean entitled "job creators," planning and plotting our futures. They are the courageous leaders charged with making the tough decisions that most Americans, wouldn't think of making for themselves.

Brian Ross's report below should be breathtaking for most average Americans. To flaunt this kind of elitism at their own party's convention, when the press is out in force, would have been political suicide and unthinkable before Citizens United. Just as disappointing is the lack of coverage from MSNBC.

1 comment:

  1. We are only allowed to see the well-to-do, dont'cha know. I wonder how many people have seen the homeless in Charlotte or Tampa? Nevermind... Like your blog.
