Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Real Conservative Agenda: Employer Amnesty? Throw all the rules out for Three Years, including Minimum Wage.

Vin Suprynowicz of the Las Vegas Review Journal wrote this fruitcake solution to the Bush Recession, "Amnesty for employers: A sure-fire way to get everyone back to work."

If this doesn't raise a few red flags, then we are truly in for a conservative run in the upcoming elections. From discussions with my conservative friend, there is nothing that will change his mind on anything, which throws facts and common wisdom out the door and makes Suprynowicz right on target.

Mr. Obama said his No. 1 priority was going to be jobs. He didn't mean it, though.
You won't believe Suprynowicz's answer. Hold on to your sanity, here's Syprynowicz's solution....
The president could stimulate a giant sigh of relief out there among
private-sector employers by
declaring that ObamaCare is suspended for three years, along with all those other big-government initiatives. Tell Congress they've done a wonderful job, and send them home.

…we need an "employer amnesty." Simply tell employers that for the next three years, the federal government doesn't care how many employees you have, or who they are. Uncle Sam doesn't want to hear about it.

We're going to get busy rounding up and deporting some 12 million illegal aliens, so we won't have to worry about all these new jobs going to illegals. Otherwise, hire whoever you want, and don't tell us.

Minimum-wage laws? Three-year hiatus. Withholding, matching and submitting income taxes, Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes? All gone for three years. Tear up the forms. The IRS is on a three-year leave of absence. We won't need to keep transferring those moneys from young workers to old retirees; we'll just draw down the "trust funds."

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission? Laid off for three years. OSHA? You won't be hearing from them. The ADA? In abeyance. Environmental impact statements for that new hospital, highway or factory you want to build? No one will ever ask to see them if you can get it done in the next three years.

I know what you're thinking, Suprynowicz is a fringe freak, no one could possibly take him seriously. You mean like Palin, Angle, Bachmann…etc? This is the mind set we're dealing with this November. There's more zaniness.
Leftists, statists and fascists will be outraged over any and all of these proposals, of course. "You want workers to die!" they'll shriek, jumping up on their chairs and clutching their petticoats about their knees. "You want racists to be allowed to hire anyone they want, without quotas! You're against the disabled! Allow people to work for any wage they'll agree to? Who will protect the weak-minded and the oppressed from greedy capitalists offering them jobs?"

Which means "creating jobs" isn't really their top priority, or their second, or their third, or their 25th, is it?

Yet keeping each and every one of these current job-killing federal taxes, regulations and mandates in place and operating at full strength is more important, isn't it?

So what Mr. Obama really meant … you small people who work out there in Privatesectorland are just going to have to hunker down, shut up, and pay a whole hell of a lot more taxes to get it done, because we're not going to reduce the tax and regulatory burden on private employers who might want to create a job. In fact, you beasts of burden ain't seen nothin' yet!"
Here's a comment that proves the mindset of the current conservative movement to the above insanity:

This is an excellent column! Besides Obama being profoundly dishonest and dangerous to our economy, he leads a bunch of sheep, headed up by Reid, behind him!

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