Friday, September 10, 2010

Conservative Whackjob Radio Shrieker Vicki McKenna Threatens Democurmudgeon.

Every blog post here is sent to my Facebook page, where from time to time I get a negative response by a few angry conservatives (they're all angry).

Little did I realize a professional broadcaster would outright threaten to "expose" me with an audio comment from a past radio show we did together. Here's the direct response emailed to me yesterday:

Vicki McKenna also commented on her link.
Vicki wrote: "yes, john peterson is trolling. he never stays on point. john, don't make me embarrass you and pull out some of your "classics" from back in the day, hey? i'll start with what you said to gang rape victim teresa sweet on the air during the concealed carry debate. (it was so stunning, i saved the audio.)"
How nice, huh? I'm sure it's a great piece of audio history proving once and for all liberals against concealed carry are horrible people. But as a representative of WIBA and Clear Channel, intentionally attempting to smear a former employee and private citizen should work well for her imagine. I'm assuming a blogger is not considered a public figure. But in the big picture that doesn't really matter either.

Image wise, her base of vacuous name callers, racists, bigots, misinformed tea party pirates...and ditto heads will love her for it. After all, liberals are destroying the country and are considered "domestic enemies."

But a threat of "embarrassing" and "stunning" commentary from my days in the shark tank is also an image the radio station should either project proudly to the community it serves or show some professionalism.

Either way, play the audio if it makes you look less pathetic.

PS: Try using capitals sometime by hitting shift with the little finger.

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