Never missing a chance to politicize even cancer to get elected, Republican Lt. Gov. candidate Rebecca Kleefisch never quite gets the irony of her thoughtless comments, in this email press release.
I researched my disease and the treatments available. I found the best colorectal cancer surgeon around … internationally renowned and taught others how to remove colon cancer laparoscopically. He was at Froedert Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin…amazingly, just 30 minutes away.At Blogging Blue, they thought a few holes in Kleefisch’s story needed to be expanded on:
My story also illustrates how dire my future might have been if we had socialized medicine. What if the government had told me I had to wait in a 6 month line to get a CT scan? Or that I couldn’t have Dr. Ludwig perform the surgery? That’s unacceptable to me and my family.
And please join me in fighting for healthcare reform that keeps us in charge of our choices. After a hard-fought primary and cancer, Tom Barrett doesn't seem very scary.
Rebecca Kleefisch
Thank God for Rebecca that her husband is State Rep. Joel Kleefisch, which means that she has a 100% covered by the taxpayer Cadillac health care plan. That allowed her to get treated successfully by the best doctor in the state at our expense. Having caught her cancer early and getting it treated surely has led her humble and thankful. But wait! She is using her cancer story, to make sure others who have cancer are unable to get treated……from the government. If Rebecca had been at the mercy of the private sector, she might not have had insurance, and most certainly be turned down if she ever had to change insurers.
WISN TV did her entire story without ever thinking to ask her about her health insurance, a big issue in the upcoming election. Another media pass.
Kleefisch’s old “government rationing” story flies in the face of reform that has actually done the opposite, requiring insurers to cover everyone regardless of pre-existing conditions. Just like the government health care that saved her clueless life.
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