I know, presenting fact after fact, backed up by common sense and reason, won’t really convince pure tea party ideologues of anything. But I always feel a little better for it.
Scott Walker’s jobs program obviously doesn’t start with health care professionals, because he is willing to make sure that’s not one area he sees a need.
“Give it back” Walker, if governor, promises to be a very strange time in “Forward” Wisconsin.(WTAQ) - Wisconsin is getting almost $2.5 million in federal stimulus to train new health care professionals.
About a million of that is going to Carroll University in Waukesha to train physician assistants for primary care. The other money will be used for equipment, and helping students re-pay their college loans. Marquette University is getting two grants totaling almost $600,000. UW-Madison and UW-Eau Claire are getting almost $300,000 each. The Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative was awarded a quarter-million dollars.
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