Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Republican Ron Johnson Admits saving Insurers Money by shifting cost to Families.

This headline popped out at me the other day:
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson defends suggestion that Americans should get some of their health care at Wal-Mart, Walgreens.
Most candidates for congress would never ask voters to pay more of their hard earned money for health care, so insurers can save money, but Ron Johnson is not your ordinary millionaire candidate. Not only will you get high quality health care from Wal-Mart and Walgreens, but prices will plummet too:
The effect would be to pull down prices in the whole medical system, the Oshkosh business owner said in an interview Friday. (When it comes to health savings accounts) "You also then remove the insurance third party in the first $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 or $5000 of everybody's health care spending every year," Johnson said.
Yes, Johnson is boldly praising a plan that shifts the cost of health care to families and individuals, saving insurance companies lots of money. Now that's freedom. But he's leaving out a lot.

For instance, the $2,000 to $5,000 deductible mentioned by Johnson is LOW if you're trying to lower your monthly premium. Try $8,000 to $10,000 deductibles. Since I had a health savings account for 8 years, I know what I'm talking about. Additionally, the insurance company will "encourage" you to pay a higher deductible, or else. You'll love the $700 to $900 prescription drug benefit EACH YEAR, even if you don't buy one single drug. And if you cancel your drug coverage, you can never sign up for it again. Nice squeeze play?

Johnson even denies the reality of the countless uninsured families:
He said the number of people without access to health care is somewhat overblown and that in Wisconsin, BadgerCare covers many people who fall through the cracks. Asked if he supports BadgerCare, Johnson said: "We have it."
For now, right Ron?
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