#2 : Trump Attacks Paul Ryan & GOP Elite: Trump unleashes tweetstorm on Ryan, widening GOP divide: Trump is taking Ryan’s slight personally, and on Monday morning unleashed a string of tweets that indicate he’ll attack Ryan and GOP leaders with the same vigor with which he’s attacking Clinton.
#3: Trump Quotes Russian Spin Leak: Trump Apparently Quotes Russian Propaganda:
Clinton On Benghazi: "The attack was almost certainly preventable," Trump read. "In other words he (Blumenthal) is admitting that they could have done something about Benghazi. This just came out, a little while ago." For Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald, the words Trump read sounded familiar. It turns out they were taken from an article he wrote,
#4: Trump Authoritarian vs "Autocrat" Obama? Maine Gov. Paul LePage said that...:
...maybe the country needs Trump to show 'authoritarian power,' and dismissing concerns over an audiotape leaked last week that showed Trump describing how he forces himself upon women. LePage said on Maine radio station WVOM; "Sometimes, I wonder that our Constitution is not only broken, but we need a Donald Trump to show some authoritarian power in our country and bring back the rule of law because we've had eight years of a president, he's an autocrat, he just does it on his own, he ignores Congress and every single day, we're slipping every single day into anarchy."

#5: Glass Houses? Trump was accused of destroying email evidence in lawsuit 10 years ago: In 2006, when a judge ordered Donald Trump's casino operation to hand over several years' worth of emails, the answer surprised him: The Trump Organization routinely erased emails and had no records from 1996 to 2001. The defendants in a case that Trump brought said this amounted to destruction of evidence, a charge never resolved.
#6: New polling by @GSG for the DCCC shows "Deplorables" are just that:
Careful with point #1 - she actually got paid back in May for her time doing some interviews with them...