Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gov.-elect Scott Walker’s Power Grab!! He will be the one True Authority.

The word is “authoritarian.” Become familiar with it, know it and try to stop it.

As the title suggests, Scott Walker not only wants to strip new legislation from containing elements HE doesn’t like, but he also wants to prevent new laws from being more restrictive than the law it replaces…which essentially cancels out change.

Even more telling; Walker’s plan would also negate any political changes in the legislature, giving him the all-powerful ability to stop a Democratic takeover from reflecting the will of the people, preventing a possible looming disaster created by any part of Walker’s dystopian vision.

Hyperbole? Read on…
 (AP)  Gov.-elect Scott Walker wants to reign in the power of state agencies to enact rules and bolster the governor's power to approve or reject them.  Walker on Tuesday outlined proposals to overhaul the process for approving, rejecting and challenging rules that state agencies enact. The rules typically are enacted after passage of a new law and can deal with everything from elections, deer hunting and public school instruction.  Walker wants to give the governor the power to approve or reject agency rules before they go to the Legislature. He also wants to prohibit state agencies from proposing rules that are more restrictive than what is allowed under the law. 

Once enacted, there will be no going back to the quaint idea of checks and balances of power. And once the public is backed into a corner, where they only want to save themselves and their families, all the other important issues they would normally fight for will be taken away. It's happening now. 

It's called the shock doctrine. See the movie or read the book (movie is easier).


  1. How can I get a copy of that poster! Love it & want to hang it (with a copy of definition of fascism) in our union hall.

  2. You can get that poster and other great ones at:


    Hope that helps. Thanks.
