Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wisconsin Republican Huebsch on Democrats: “They hold Seats They Shouldn’t Have.”

Like all states, this election season might be more difficult for Republicans because of the economic and foreign policy mess they got us into. In ’06 Democrats took the U.S. Congress, and many state houses across America. Was it just dumb luck they won the last time? Did voters get confused while casting their ballot? Was it rampant voter fraud?

Or was it the horrific failed platform of the Republican Party? Naw, it couldn’t be that.

That’s the opinion of Republican hick and Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch. The Party of “blame Americans first” would have you believe that they were innocent bystanders, not extreme enough to pass their full agenda, and who deserve a second chance to show everyone how truly miserable they can be under conservative authoritarian rule.

Leading up to the primary here in Wisconsin, Republicans are going to take aim at first term Democrats who won close races. In an incredible show of arrogance and detachment from the real world, here's Speaker Huebsch on the half dozen new Dems, “They hold seats they shouldn’t have.”

Even though the Democrats won the seats by the popular vote, the people who put them there were apparently mistaken, or didn’t know that close races must go to the Republicans every time.

That’s just common sense. No one deserves to be in government more than those who detest it and want to see it shrink so small you can drown it in the bathtub.

The real reason for government, by, for and of the people, is to serve big business in their pursuit of happiness…or something like that. Look it up, it’s right there in the Constitution.

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