Sunday, July 6, 2008

Republicans Running as Democrats part 2

Adding to a piece I did a little while back, the JSonline’s Daniel Bice just wrote this piece, “Ex-Sen. Reynolds recruiting candidates for Legislature,” about the diabolical plan to undermine the Democratic primary in Milwaukee County by running Republicans as Democrats.

Besides creating confusion, and destroying the legitimacy of the electoral process, it show the underlying hatred for government and unethical behavior that has become the norm and platform for the Republicans Party in general. Bice writes:

Former state Sen. Tom Reynolds … the kooky conservative is … using his newly
formed political action committee, Clean Sweep Wisconsin, to help them run for
public office. Reynolds might want to do a background check on his guys. Just look at his pick to (one incumbant):

I especially liked this part of the article, where Bice gives us a glimpse into the surreal world of the conservative mindset.

Phil Landowski, a 33-year-old, self-employed graphic designer and a graduate of Bob Jones University, a fundamentalist Christian school that barred interracial dating as recently as 2000 and has been accused of being anti-Catholic. Landowski was busted in ’99 for carrying a concealed weapon, a charge that was later reduced to a civil violation and fine. He said he can’t remember details about the gun, except that it was a Beretta and that he was keeping it in his car’s glove box. He said he spent a day in jail. “So much for the Second Amendment,” Landowski sighed.

This is so typical of Republicans: Defiantly break laws you ideologically disagree with. Landowski knew he couldn’t carry a concealed gun in his glove box, or anywhere for that matter, but did anyway. What’s that about being the law and order Party? And when it comes to being fiscally conservative, there are a few problems there as well.

Landowski and his wife are also listed as owing about $22,000 in five outstanding judgments. He said he has struggled financially. On the issues, Landowski said he is a fiscal conservative.

Sounds to me like he made a few bad judgements or had a run of bad luck. Either way, Republicans don’t commit such irresponsable acts with money management., it doesn’t square with there undeserved mythology. The deception continues...
Asked why he was running as a Democrat, Landowski said, “Because I’m not a
As if they’d want him.
Bice wraps up this twisted journey of deception and bizarre behavior with a look at the genius behind Clean Sweep:

Clean Sweep’s Web site plays up Reynolds’ anti-tax and anti-immigration views while avoiding mention of his more unusual takes on social and religious issues … Reynolds quizzed job applicants about their sex lives, attended a virulently anti-gay gathering in Milwaukee, once distributed Christmas cards with him and his wife as Jesus’ parents in a manger scene and made money by printing tracts for an anti-Catholic preacher.

1 comment:

  1. Landowski replied to Bice's article at his site:
