Wednesday, December 28, 2016

What's more Pathetic: Health Care Insurers again losing money or Republicans Lying about Saving Money?

How many times can Republicans keep going to private insurers for help before they realize it's never going to work? Unfortunately, under Trump and the Republicans, we're on the verge of turning our entire health care system back over to private insurers, including...Medicare.

Iowa's latest problem is another huge warning there's big trouble ahead:
Iowa's controversial privatized Medicaid program is facing intense scrutiny and financial concerns from the health insurers, Anthem's Amerigroup, AmeriHealth Caritas and UnitedHealthcare that run it, the Des Moines Register has reported. Iowa's Medicaid managed-care program is “drastically underfunded” and likened it to a “catastrophic experience.”  
Hey, an insurer has to make a profit. At the same time insurers are freaking out about the states dramatic lack of funding, Iowa politicians are bragging about..."saving" money? Funny how that works out like that:
The program went into effect this year and it is expected to save the state $110 million in taxpayer dollars at the end of fiscal 2016 in June. 
Of course they're not savings at all, just spending less on Medicaid. That would make this a big lie. As adults, do we have time for these ridiculous games that screw with peoples lives? 

Even worse, Republicans are guilty of doing what ObamaCare did, and that is provide health care at low unsustainable rates. Profit hungry insurers are now singing the same old song.  
In recent memos and emails, the insurers express to state officials that the program isn't financially sustainable and the reimbursement rates that have been set are deeply flawed. The insurers have also reported millions of dollars in losses since the program went into effect.
I Can't Hear You...: Despite the obvious problems listed above, the Republican secret to success nationwide is that they dig in, ignore the problem, and stay on bragging point. They even added to it by claiming more services and healthier outcomes...why not:
Both Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, a Republican, and Amy McCoy at the Iowa Department of Human Services, have maintained the program is still expected to save the state millions. “Bottom line, the Medicaid program is still on pace to save Iowa taxpayers $110 million while providing more services and healthier outcomes,” McCoy said.

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