Well, so much for the credibility of the "liberal" unbiased university professor who bent over backwards to make the debate an even match. When it comes to facts vs ideologically driven platitudes, platitudes win.
In the conservative Wisconsin State Journal article about the first senatorial debate, the paper draws no irony in the fact that this was the first debate so late in the election season, and that Sen. Russ Feingold’s grasp of the facts is no match for Ron Johnson’s ideologically driven nonsense.
Friday night in the first showdown … And while they traded jabs, no one scored the kind of blow likely to turn the tide of the race.
Professor Franklin blew any credibility he had instantly, with his “everything is relative” pabulum:
"It was a draw," said Charles Franklin, UW-Madison political science professor. "Those who tuned in with a preference for one candidate heard what they wanted to hear.”
The WSJ went on to say without noting the absurdity of the fact that less than one month away from the elections:
the debate offered voters their first chance to see Johnson in action against the 18-year Senate veteran.
THE FIRST chance!!! Feingold may be closing in on Johnson’s lead, but he still leads, before voters even had their first chance to see the senate candidate.
During the gubernatorial debate Democratic candidate Mayor Barrett was criticized for being slightly too aggressive against his picked on GOP opponent Scott Walker, even though he trails in polling. The WSJ is now criticizing Feingold for not living up to media expectations, while setting an incredibly low bar for Johnson:
Feingold was expected to be more aggressive, needing to turn the momentum in a race that seems to be getting away from him. Johnson, most expected, would try to get through the debate without making news.
Johnson’s the winner because he didn’t make any gaffes. This is how the media treats the conservative’s radical agenda, like a formidable challenger with relevant things to say. And when Feingold was aggressive, the WSJ took a shot at him for that:
The senator also got worked up over the issue of health care reform. Feingold did not back off from his support, saying, "Is it really invading (Johnson's) freedom to make sure over one million Wisconsinites do not lose coverage because of pre-existing conditions?"
"Worked up?" Feingold could have easily said Johnson’s daughters preexisting condition would have made it impossible for her to get insured and her condition would be excluded from future policies. But instead, he got "worked up" over dumb ass platitudes about health cares threat to losing ones freedom?
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