Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain's Rick Davis on Economy: "I'm not exactly sure what you'd say everyday."

What would you say about a presidential candidate that has no sustained response when it comes to talking about the economy? Out of touch? That's not reference to his age, but a reference to his connection with the economic crisis and American workers. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow pulls away the curtain...

Here's the Washington Post take:

Barack Obama mocked McCain campaign manager Rick Davis's assertion that McCain felt no need to comment on the daily decline in the stock markets.
"It doesn't mean we don't care and aren't trying to do something about it -- it's just, I'm not exactly sure what you'd say everyday," Davis said yesterday.
"There's very little a candidate for president and, after watching today, very little a president can say, about what's happening in the stock market," he added.

Obama said "They can run misleading ads, they can pursue the politics of anything goes, they can try to change the subject. But they can't do what they want to do because the American people know what's going on. It's not going to work. Not this time."

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds responded: "The tone of this election is not fueling voter outrage, it's that Americans are frustrated knowing that Barack Obama's plans to raise taxes during a down economy and his proposal for a trillion dollars in new government spending are the absolute wrong answers to our economic crisis."

Right, that must be it...

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