Monday, November 1, 2010

Tell the Republicans to Man Up and Take the Media Questions.

The news media should stop allowing the Republicans to get away with running from reporters. If they run, report their refusal as an affront to the interests of voters to be informed. Easy isn’t it?

Ask conservative Americans to stop playing the picked on “media” victims, put their man pants on, and fight like hell in the political arena. But instead, the template is set in stone now, and the conservative campaign philosophy is to avoid the tough media questions and play the misunderstand, misquoted innocent victim of liberal smear tactics. It’s so obvious and overplayed. Take this recent example said perfectly by Sarah Palin:

Washington Post: (Palin) accused some in the Alaska media of being "corrupt bastards" who are conspiring to portray Miller negatively.

It was okay to say what was said about Hillary, Obama, Howard Dean, Russ Feingold, Al Franken etc. etc….but heaven forbid having conservatives explain their positions and controversial statements.

And after hearing for two years how the Democrats weren’t bipartisan enough, didn’t listen and didn’t include as many Republican ideas in health care reform as they should have, guess who is now saying they have no intention of being bipartisan or ever compromising?
Asked whether Republicans should compromise on principle after they get elected, Palin responded, "absolutely not," adding that "that's been part of the problem."
The biggest lie, and the most idiotic message anyone could have gotten from the electorate about the publics demands for compromise.
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