Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Can't make this up!!! Walker Republicans avoid $100 Million handout vote to Kimberly-Clark till AFTER Election then blame Dems? A Truly Cowardly Extraordinary Session.

So, Scott Walker and the Republicans have denied the Foxconn deal wasn't the start of even more taxpayer money to corporations threatening to leave Wisconsin. They lied, and now they're trying to put off another similar handout to Kimberly-Clark till AFTER THE ELECTION. 

If the following makes any sense to you...oh, and political pressure is another way of saying "coward." Heck, these guys are even calling it a "Foxconn-style" incentive:
"To put this in the best position to pass, to actually do what’s best to save these jobs, we had to do this after the election," said Sen. Roger Roth, R-Appleton, who is sponsoring the measure. Roth cited "political pressures" as the primary rationale for delaying the vote.
I know, why not blame Democrats for putting off the vote till after the election, because they're the cowards? No really, he tried that one too:
"We’re five weeks away from an election and I do not believe — and I don’t necessarily fault them for this — but I don’t believe (Democrats) want to do anything that would be considered a perceived victory for Gov. Walker," he said. "If we came in now and took the vote, (Democrats) would vote no, the bill would fail, and Kimberly-Clark would leave the state, these jobs would be lost."
Under the deal, proposed by Walker in February, the state would provide "Foxconn-style" incentives to the company: a 17-percent tax credit on payroll and 15 percent on capital expenditures. The state’s Legislature nonpartisan budget office estimates it could cost the state up to about $109 million over 15 years. The incentives would be paid out to the company, as it has no current tax liability under state law.
The Pushback: 

Liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now criticized GOP leaders for pushing the vote after the election. "This is the definition of corruption," said Scot Ross, executive director of the organization. "What else would you call Scott Walker and the Republicans using a lame duck session full of potentially un-elected politicians to send $100 million of our tax dollars to a huge corporation."

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