Sunday, September 16, 2018

Truth? Walker and Kleefisch will take away your health care, make it harder to get, or make it unaffordable.

Gubernatorial candidate and State Superintendent Tony Evers had cancer and beat it.

But his opinion on the need for health care reform doesn't matter as much as Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch's own cancer success story that depended on taxpayer money, or her fiction about covering pre-existing conditions via AB 365 that prevents insurers from using pre-existing conditions for both denying coverages or setting rates. It's not a sure thing, and you could call it an unpaid mandate. Worse still, insurers will just raise their rates for the heck of it free lunch guys?

Don't take it from me, here's reporter Dave Weigel:

In her ad, Kleefisch said she was “shocked” that Evers and his allies would argue Walker wants to end the protections. “Today in Wisconsin, people with pre-existing conditions are already covered,” Kleefisch said, without noting that they are covered only because of the national law Walker opposes. “And as long as Scott and I are in office, they always will be.”
Kleefisch is talking about reestablishing those expensive high-risk pools, which created long waiting lists and sent everyone else to nearby ER's, which only increased premiums for those who had already had insurance. It's what Walker and Kleefisch say was "a model for the country":
1. It was called the Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan, or HIRSP. A Wisconsin insurance industry representative called it a model for the country during the Wisconsin Health News event.

2. The HIRSP ended in 2014 because the ACA was put in place.

3. As of 2015, the state had about 852,000 adults with pre-existing conditions that could have prevented them from getting insurance before the health law, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. 

4. At its peak, HIRSP covered 22,333 people, according to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

5. "If we’re talking about the population today, it’s 10 times that amount. So we can’t just plug and play a solution of the past," said Nancy Wenzel, CEO of the Wisconsin Association of Health Plans, at the forum.
But the outright lies and misinformation by the Walker administration is getting even more breathtaking now. Let's dissect the hypocrisy and ridiculous claims made by Rebecca Kleefisch, who appeared on WKOW's Capitol City Sunday:

1. Kleefisch: "But knowing you have a pre-existing condition makes you feel a little bit threatened." Reality: Insulting isn't it? Minimizing our pain or disease as "a little bit threatened." Really?

2. Kleefisch: "There is a fear among folks that have pre-existing conditions that politicians will intercede where they ought not...or still, make sure they don't have access to that care."Reality: Oh, you mean like interceding Republican politicians trying to repeal the ACA? And please, point out how politicians would make sure we "don't have access"? Outrageously stupid nonsensical fear-mongering claim.

3. Kleefisch: "...that's not that part of ObamaCare that's dangerous to people like me with pre-existing conditions. There are a bunch of additional things that leads to longer wait times, as we've all seen higher premium costs..." Reality: Higher premium costs is a given in a private insurance market, but is made worse with denial of coverage, the Walker/Kleefisch plan. But from my own experience, after a number of medical problems in my family, we experienced no waiting periods, none! We're talking toe infection, appendectomy, hernias, and joint pain.  This is an outdated myth that we cannot accept anymore. 
From October 10, 2010, Kleefisch decided to make this an issue as well, so nothing like repeating a successful formula. Reporters may have forgotten, but haven't:
AP: Wisconsin Republican lieutenant governor candidate Rebecca Kleefisch, diagnosed with cancer a month ago, touts the treatments she received under her state-subsidized insurance plan at the same time she rails against government-run health care in a new television ad.

In the ad Kleefisch doesn't mention that her cancer treatments were paid for through the state-subsidized health insurance plan of her husband, state Rep. Joel Kleefisch, a Republican from Oconomowoc. Kleefisch pays $85 per month for her health insurance with the rest of the cost, $1,722, paid by the state.
NOTE: What? Kleefisch says the government shouldn't get involved in telling insurers to cover oral chemo treatments, but then reverses course and says the government should get involved by telling insurers to cover pre-existing conditions. 

But here's why Kleefisch's cancer tear jerker is so vacuous:

Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch looks to deny Oral Chemo to Wisconsinites, Treatments She received through Taxpayer Supported Insurance from Hubby Rep. Joel.

Back on September, 2011, I wrote this and post the video:
In an even more bizarre moment, someone who actually took the oral version to treat her own cancer, Lt Gov. Kleefisch opposes the mandate, on the premise her ideology dictates a free market solution.
Keefisch: "We obviously want to encourage free enterprise and free markets, but on the other hand, Oral chemotherapy is something that is up and coming in the medical world, and we're hoping, obviously that more insurance companies will cover it."
 Money or your Life? So says Rep. Joel Kleefisch: But it doesn't apply to his wife and Lt. Governor. Joel Kleefisch puts insurer costs over saving lives: From Channel3000:

Joel Kleefisch comes at the issue from a personal perspective. His wife, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, used oral and IV chemo to fight colon cancer in 2010. But he has questions over the cost of an insurance mandate.

"It is my hope and prayer that anybody who would need this type of chemotherapy would be able to receive it, no doubt," said Kleefisch. "That does not eliminate the difficult question for who is going to pay for it."

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