Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sen. Stroebel says Pollutant list Too Long, so Eliminate all State Air Pollutant Standards...

Proving that he might be the dumbest guy ever to have a seat in the state legislature, Sen. Duey Stroebel says get rid of state air pollution standards and then, start completely over. Don't review each standard, debate its merits, and then decide after all the experts have weighed in. Who would do that? 

Republican voters own this guy. Kinda makes a previous blog post title even more terrifying:

Walker has turned Wisconsin into the environmental trash heap of the Midwest!!!

WHA: Assembly lawmakers met Tuesday for a public hearing on a bill that would eliminate all of the state Department of Natural Resource’s rules for air quality. The DNR would have the option to reintroduce those regulations.

States regulate pollutants that may not be problems nationwide, but can harm health or the environment regionally, such as ammonia from food processing and chlorine dioxide from paper mills in Wisconsin, said Tyson Cook of Clean Wisconsin, which mapped pollution sources that would no longer be regulated under the proposal.

In 2014, lawmakers voted to delay for up to 20 years the full rollout of Doyle-era regulations to limit how much phosphorus could be released into waterways.
After all, the pollutants list is just too darn long...yup, that's the reason alright:
Sen. Duey Stroebel, R-Saukville cited a 2004 report from the Legislature’s nonpartisan audit bureau that said the state regulates 293 more pollutants than required by federal law. Of those, the audit found 94 of the 293 were reported in Wisconsin in 2002.
And because pollutants improve over time, becoming less dangerous chemically:
Any of the regulations approved by the Legislature would expire and be eligible for renewal every 10 years.
 Take it from Stroebel's special interest supporters and campaign contributors...
Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the American Petroleum Institute and the Wisconsin Paper Council support the bill.
Democratic Rep. Jimmy Anderson argued the proposal would create unnecessary work for the DNR.
"It seems that we’re sweeping away the entirety of the regulations that are above the federal level and asking the DNR to re-do the work." 
You think? 

Here's what has been rolled back since Scott Walker took office:
1. Moved to reduce the role of science in environmental policymaking and to silence discussion of controversial subjects, including climate change, by state employees.

2. A series of controversial rollbacks in environmental protection, including relaxing laws governing iron mining and building on wetlands, in both cases to help specific companies avoid regulatory roadblocks.

3. Loosened restrictions on phosphorus pollution in state waterways, tried to restrict wind energy development.

4. Walker has targeted the science and educational corps at the state’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR), eliminated a third of the DNR’s 58 scientist positions and 60 percent of its 18 environmental educator positions.

5. WPR: Wisconsin residents can no longer challenge state Department of Natural Resources permits for a high-capacity well if state officials failed to look at what the well might do to overall groundwater in the area. Republican lawmakers and Gov. Scott Walker got rid of the cumulative impacts challenge when they passed the state budget a year ago.

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