Under the three categories of “Rising,” “Mixed” and “Falling,” WisPolitics.com has a strange value system and priority list. I’ll make this short and to the point. Their moral and ethical bankruptcy is clear in what they consider ‘Rising.” What they consider positive developments in the state is jaw dropping;
Rising: Scott Walker
Failed Milwaukee County Executive and gubinitorial candidate Scott Walker, who recently proposed dismantling county government after destroying it, is under the impression that his Republican campaign should be taken seriously because he raised $1.1 million in six months. Wow, voters should be happy corporate interests and the business lobby are supporting their candidate.
Oddly, WisPolitics did not mention who contributed the $1.1 million.
Rising: Lead Paint Manufacturers and an “activist conservative” Supreme Court
WisPolitics said it best: “Business groups were outraged four years ago when the Wisconsin Supreme Court cleared the way for a Milwaukee boy to sue lead paint manufacturers … Fast forward to a court that now has a conservative majority … the justices unanimously rejected (the) lawsuit that sought to argue lead paint was a defective product.”
Besides not hiding the fact they believe it's okay for conservative activist justices to side with big business, and defend paint companies that knowingly delayed removing lead after most industrialized countries banned it, giving short shrift to the child at the center of the lawsuit is inhumane and so Ayn Rand.
Mixed: The Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman who illegally campaigned by calling from his office to the offices of Gov. Scott McCallum’s campaign headquarters and other supporters.
WisPolitics is fine, or “Mixed,” about the slap on the hand by the Office of Lawyer Regulation’s dismissal. “The OLR ruled Gableman may have exercised poor judgment but there was no evidence the calls amounted to political work using state resources. Conservatives say the complaint was frivolous. Right, the obvious appearance of campaigning by making calls to conservative campaign supporters wasn’t proof enough. As I recall (from a previous blog post)…
Only “Mixed” on this one WisPolitics? So much for being a neutral clearing house for political news and press releases.According to the Wisconsin State Journal, “when Gableman was Ashland County district attorney, he made a series of phone calls from his OFFICE to Gov. McCallum’s campaign officials, McCallum’s fundraisers, a Republican attorney general candidate and the state Republican Party BEFORE a FUNDRAISER Gableman HOSTED.
Our current AG Van Hollen says "the case is too old to prosecute, the Burnett County DA merely declined to investigate. Gableman says he is innocent of any wrong doing, and never once talked about anything related to the election in 2002."
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