Thursday, September 11, 2008

Was Charlie Gibson Patronizing to Palin? Andrea Mitchell Warns All Male Interviewers, "Take a Step Back.."

Here it comes: the gender card. The McCain campaign has already set this up, even before they put lipstick on the media pig, that she had been treated so unfairly by the liberal press.

Despite Gov. Palin's own complaints about Hillary Clinton's show of weakness, and whining about gender unfairness, she's willing to make the same false argument.

NBC's Andrea Mitchell immediately deals the gender card for play, with this phony analysis of ABC's Charlie Gibson:

"There is the possibility that the impact of it to viewers, to the people outh there who find her very appealing, will be different. That perhaps the male interviewer looks down condescendingly at her, that it was patronizing.

I looked around and talked to some of the women in our news room tonight, and I think there could be a different impact...that we have to take a step back...It was a pretty good road map for Joe Biden.

How much do you want to bet the McCain campaign will deflect criticism of Palin's moose in the headlights perfomance, with the gender card, and Gibson's unfair condescending line of questioning. We can only hope that foreign dictators "take a step back" and treat her with respect.


  1. As a woman, I'm very offended by the implication that male interviewers should take it easy on Palin. If she wants this job, she needs to put on her big girl panties.

    Oh, and it would be a good idea for Palin to learn what the Bush Doctrine actually is. I'm certainly not qualified to be Vice President of the United States, and yet I picked up the meaning of the Bush Doctrine from watching cable news and reading my local newspaper. Yet according to Republican pundits, that's too much to expect Palin to know. Palin, who is seeking to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

    Go figure.

  2. A thought: Maybe Andrea is saying this because SHE wants the next interview with Palin. Hmmm?
