Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin Suggests War over Tiny Georgia. Assured Mutual Destruction I Guess? Gibson Asks Unfair Question?

Vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, hockey mom, apparently never heard of the Bush doctrine (a preventive/ preemptive war policy). John McCain sure has. In the words of Indiana Jones, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Wait, there’s more from the Washington Post:

Sarah Palin said the Ukraine and Georgia should join NATO, even at the risk of antagonizing Russia and forcing the United States into a war with the nuclear-armed nation. She added that the United States should "show support" for Georgia by possibly imposing "economic sanctions" on Russia.

Palin's remarks were strikingly devoid of the diplomatic language generally used by U.S. officials when discussing relations with Russia. Palin did not directly reply when Gibson asked whether it was worth it to the United States to risk a war over tiny Georgia. She said, "We have got to be cognizant of what the consequences are if a larger power is able to take over smaller democratic countries. We have got to make sure that that is the group (NATO) that can be counted upon to defend one another in a very dangerous world today."

First you’ll see Palin say “In what respect, Charlie,” in answer to the question “Do you believe in the Bush Doctrine?” Oops!

Also included is the stunningly casual, flippant response “devoid of the diplomatic language generally used by U.S. officials” on going to war with Russia. Is this too scary too watch? In the words of Gov. Palin, “Perhaps so.” Oh yea, I blended in ABC’s The Day After, from 1983 as the probable result of Gov. Palin’s commitment to war “in a very dangerous world.”

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