Al Franken's candidacy for the United States Senate is hanging by a chad because he wrote in 2000 a Playboy magazine column called "Porn-O-Rama!" in which the former Saturday Night Live comedian wrote about visiting a made-up sex institute where he takes part in sexual acts with humans and machines..
Recognizing the importance of this issue to the American public, and while others get sidetracked with the economy and health care, “The Minnesota Republican Party released a letter, signed by six prominent GOP women, including a state senator and state representative, calling on Franken to "Denounce this article and apologize immediately."
The “denounce and apologize Party” has found yet another way to show how humorless, petty and strangely bizarre they can be;
“The words and descriptions you write about are beyond vulgar. While you may
attempt to defend your writing as satire, we hardly find anything defensible
about your finding humor in your desire to have sex with women or robots that look like women simply to give yourself a good time….we are horrified to believe that someone running for the U.S. Senate could have written them."
Frankly, I’m horrified that they didn’t notice the subtle nuance in his Playboy article, the contributions robot women have made in society and at the prestigious sex institute like Porn O Rama?
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