Monday, September 1, 2008

Laura Bush, Cindy McCain And Convention Politicize Gustav

According to Politico: Officials Say Curtailed Convention Offers Opportunity For Party To Redeem Itself On The Competence Issue

Let's start with that premise. Your going to have to forget the last 8 years of complete incompetence from the Bush administration right on to the Republican Congress. With hurricane Gustav, the McCain campaign wanted to draw a distinction from the Bush response and government response disaster. Forget the fact that during Katrina, Bush was with birthday boy McCain celebrating far far away from the hurricane and the human suffering.

So what can these snake oil sellers do when their presidential convention is threatened with another possible cat. 3 or 4 hurricane, about to remind everyone how completely heartless and useless the party in control was. Market and politicize the the disaster. And they aren't shy about admitting it.

Republican officials say their radically curtailed convention offers a big political opportunity for the party to redeem itself on the competence issue - and for John McCain to step out of President Bush’s shadow once and for all. “You don’t wish for it, but it shows McCain dealing with a surprise - a big event that has consequences on people,” a convention planner said. “It’s redemption for the Republican Party on the competence issue. The convention ends up being about John McCain showing the best way to serve a cause greater than yourself.”

At least they're not hiding their intentions. I'm sure the press won't pick up on it. And sorry Sen. McCain, you didn't feel the same obligation to help during Katrina, why should we believe your sincerity now?

The question is: Would McCain and his nominating convention politicize the natural disaster? Watch and see for yourself.

Laura Bush: ...We're reminded first that we're all Americans, and that our shared American ideals will always transcend political parties and partisanship...We've had the pleasure of getting to know each of the governors from those gulf coast states and their all strong leaders and they were planning to be with us today, they all also happen to be Republicans...! (long applause)

Gov. Rick Perry: ...Your seeing the Republican governors, in I think, Republican states doing a fabulous job of taking care of the citizens, cause that's what we do.

Cindy McCain: ...This is a time when we take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats...!

That was non-partisan? And the only way Cindy McCain's statement would have made any sense is if she had included taking off BOTH "Republican and Democratic hats." I guess Democrats don't have any of those American hats to wear. Those god damn traitors.

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