Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Republican Sen. Tom Coburn is Holding Up Cancer Research in the Hopes of Getting a Better Return. Rationing?

I came across video of a recent Sen. Tom Coburn town hall meeting, but didn't have any reason to use it here as a posting, until Rachel Maddow featured a story about the Independent Women's Forum. They are now trying to scare women into thinking that Obama's health care reform will result in rationing of breast cancer treatments which will end up killing thousands of women a year. They ask, "What are your chances?"

Isn't it odd that the party trying to provide health care treatment in an attempt to bring about the early detection of disease, the Democrats, are the ones trying to withhold life saving cancer treatments. It would appear just the opposite is true. Another case of Republicna projection.

"Doctor" and Sen. Tom Coburn is one of the Republicans holding up a vote to increase funding for breast cancer research. And he's proud of it. His response to a women at a town hall meeting who had suffered from breast cancer was a bluntly delivered no:
"The point its, we don't want politicians making those decisions. We want scientists making those decisions. And we want peer reviewed science to make the decision to send the dollars where we're gonna get the best return, to save the most lives, have the greatest impact."

"Send the dollars where we're gonna get the best return..." sounds like rationing to me. But it looks like Sen. Tom Coburn is okay with rationing and allowing scientists the power to make those life and death decisions. A death panel if you will.

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