Friday, September 11, 2009

Here's Why Republicans Ran the Country and World into the Ground: Senate Leader McConnell really Bad at Math

From the department of "How dumb to they (the media and Republicans) think we are," Sen. Mitch McConnell floated this brain dead moment out to his waiting believers:

Bloomberg News: "The administration’s figures, (saving as many as 1.1 million jobs since its implementation of the stimulus), were met with skepticism from Republicans in Congress, who noted that 2.4 million jobs have been lost since March. “How can anyone tell the American people with a straight face that the more than 2 million jobs that have been lost since the stimulus was enacted is actually 1 million jobs ‘saved or created?’” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said in a statement. "

Because Mr. McConnell, the job loss numbers could actually be "1.1 million jobs" HIGHER than the current figures, you fiscally conservative dumbass.

Is anyone else scratching their heads? And the media, like CNN-where I first heard this story, simply reports this incompetent drivel without question.

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