Thursday, March 12, 2009

Democratic Governor Lowers Tax Burden on Bussinesses. Republicans Drop Dead From Shock!

Oh oh. The tax burden on Wisconsin busenesses have gone down. That's throwing a possible wrench in the Republican plan to distribute their preprinted stockpiles of flyers telling the nation how bad we are for business. The Wisconsin State Journal reports:

Wisconsin has the 16th lowest tax burden on businesses, according to a study released Wednesday by the Anderson Economic Group, a research and consulting firm in East Lansing, Mich. Wisconsin’s ranking has improved since the organization began conducting its study two years ago. Last year, the Badger state ranked 21st lowest, based on 2005 Census data, and the year before, Wisconsin was 24th, based on 2004 data.

The firm analyzed the ratio of taxes paid by businesses to the profits they earned, using 2006 data. Wisconsin companies paid state taxes amounting to 13.54 percent of their profits. Nationwide, the average was 16.69 percent. States with the lowest
business tax burden are: North Carolina, Delaware, Tennessee, Ohio and Missouri.

Those with the highest ratio of business taxes to profits are: Montana, Maine,
Vermont, Alaska and Hawaii.

I thought the following response to the article is pretty close to how I feel, so I've included it here:
Gbsparks says: We should be doing even more for business to minimize their underwhelming tax burden. For example, is it too much to ask for non-business owners to subsidize business owners by tithing?

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