Friday, January 23, 2009

Limbaugh, Voice of Conservatives, Backs Government Secrets & Openly Wants Obama/U.S. to Fail

Remember how conservatives blamed (still blame) liberals for hoping Bush would fail economically and militarily, putting Democrats on the defensive, and forcing them to deny doing such a despicable thing? It was Un-American to hope the president would fail, which would also mean the country fails, just to make a political point. Heck it's wrong period.

In a blatant and revealing declaration that exposes what Republicans really think, Rush Limbaugh in the first clip above, longs for an elite opaque secret government operation while at the same time cheering on (second clip) the failure of Barack Obama's attempts at saving our country from another great depression. For purely political reasons.

The two clips above are frightening statements about the direction of the NEW Republican Party, an extremist one, and how far they will go to avoid ideological moderation and change. Hell, hoping the country goes down in flames is mind boggling.

Here's what Rush said recently in an interview with Shawn Hannity:

That's the way the Democrats do it. You put people into groups and then you victimize them. And give the victims power over the majority. Because they then have grievances that are nonexistent, and the majority gets cowed into fear..."

Let's make a small, and appropriate word substitution; "victims" to "Republicans"

...and give the "Republicans" power over the majority. Because they then have grievances that are nonexistent, and the majortiy gets cowed into fear.."

Because Republicans are the "victims" of critcism, liberal colleges, the New Deal and media, I thought the substitution worked quite well.

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