We've see it happening all the time:
1. Tea party protesters worry we MIGHT turn into a Europeon style socialist country.
1. Tea party protesters worry we MIGHT turn into a Europeon style socialist country.
2. President Obama COULD destroy our economy IF he raises taxes on the wealthy.
3. WHAT IF grandma is too sick to save? That would be a decision made by a government death panel, that MIGHT be a part of health care reform?
See how horrific and easy it would be to live in a world of "what if, could be, might happen."
The most recent example feeds into the idea that Republicans are always the victims of some imagined double standard created by their enemies.
3. WHAT IF grandma is too sick to save? That would be a decision made by a government death panel, that MIGHT be a part of health care reform?
See how horrific and easy it would be to live in a world of "what if, could be, might happen."
The most recent example feeds into the idea that Republicans are always the victims of some imagined double standard created by their enemies.
Sen. Harry Reid is getting slammed by Republicans for "suggesting that Barack Obama could become the first African-American president because he was “light-skinned” and because he did not speak with a “Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”
Predictably, RNC Chairman Michael Steele said, “IF that had been Mitch McConnell saying that about an African-American candidate for president of the United States,” Democrats MIGHT be “screaming for his head, very much as they were with Trent Lott.”-NY Times
That's IF they were similar in any way. Lott’s remarks were about longing for a trouble free segregationist country, where Reid's comments were unfortunately truth. That "Obama would have had a more difficult time getting elected if his skin were darker and if he spoke in a dialect more identifiable as “black.”
From the Democratic, more liberal perspective; WHAT IF we took care of our countries biggest problems? We COULD then keep our higher living standard, create jobs and save energy. It MIGHT just be possible!
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