There are times when I spend a lot of time putting together a link filled, thoughtfully written blog post hoping someone will read it. Getting a response makes the labor of love worthwhile.
Having said that, I feel like a piker compared the following post at LivingLakeCountry.com by Jacob Pickard. Below is just the beginning of an emmensly long but entertaining look at what America might look like under Republican rule in the next 100 years. It will boggle your mind how much thought went into this piece.
A brief history of the 100 year Republican Majority
Years 1-20
- In the greatest act of Conservative Judicial activism since the Dread Scott decision the Supreme Court said that Corporations have Free Speech rights and can spend as much money as they want to influence elections. Corporate money floods to the pro-corporate Republican party and official corporate sponsorships enacted to get money.
Having said that, I feel like a piker compared the following post at LivingLakeCountry.com by Jacob Pickard. Below is just the beginning of an emmensly long but entertaining look at what America might look like under Republican rule in the next 100 years. It will boggle your mind how much thought went into this piece.
A brief history of the 100 year Republican Majority
Years 1-20
- In the greatest act of Conservative Judicial activism since the Dread Scott decision the Supreme Court said that Corporations have Free Speech rights and can spend as much money as they want to influence elections. Corporate money floods to the pro-corporate Republican party and official corporate sponsorships enacted to get money.
- President says god is behind all decision he makes, congress due to group discipline & ideology agree with the president and rubber stamp all legislation and executive demands.
- SCOTUS rules that NSA, FBI, NSA, Local Police actively spy on Americans. No court oversight needed to protect us from terrorists.
- US removes itself from the United Nations, funding stops, the United Nations falls apart, including it’s non-political charity programs.
-Government career workers that are not conservative are purged.
-High national debt, war, and economic depression used as a tool to keep the population worried about feeding there family, fear of terrorism, and keeping a job.
The last line above is a line I wish I had written. It's point on.
The last line above is a line I wish I had written. It's point on.
Well, it's 2017, and it only took 5 months to have almost half of your predictions come true. It's a scary thought for the next 4-1/2 years, yet alone the next 6 months. Yikes!