Monday, May 10, 2021

Podcast Philosophers Series: Liberal Fascism Bargain!

While many of us are try desperately to tolerate friends and family consumed by Trump cult indoctrination and QAnon theories that act like a fortress wall, I've been on a quest to understand where all this is taking us. And isn't that Trumpian and purposeful misuse of terminology nuts and the most frustrating part of their projection?

Anyway, my 22 yr old son and UW senior has opened my world up to a number of online podcast philosophers I thought would be interesting to post here from time to time. There's a lot to learn here, even if you agree or disagree with the their point.

I'll start with NonCompete. This guy was the first talker my son played for me, and one of many different points of view he now follows. I'm not saying I agree with everything, but it is interesting. The topic, the Liberal Fascism Bargain. The video starts at the 7 minute mark, but you can also watch the whole thing, but warning, there's a lot of profanity:

A look at Neoliberalism:

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