Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Agonizing Inaction and Deadly Incompetence of our safely Gerrymandered Wisconsin Republicans!

Republicans have proven again and again they will do nothing to solve growing social problems like reforming law enforcement and common sense gun control. Now both problems are reeling out of control and needlessly killing Wisconsinites with no signs of legislative help.

Where Police Accountability went off the Rails: I actually didn't even know about this until yesterday. Thanks Dems for being on top of this. Maybe repeal could be part of the "conversation:" 

The Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights (1973) has been one of the biggest obstructions to police accountability, hindering investigations and shielding misconduct from public scrutiny. Fifteen other states followed Maryland in adopting a police bill of rights, including Wisconsin, where the police shooting of Jacob Blake this month has sparked protests, during which two more people were shot. After the bill was approved, police unions continued pushing quietly for amendments that strengthened it. 
Law Enforcement digs in to protect power and systemic racism by attacking Gov. Evers and Lt. Gov. Barnes: Initially law enforcement through a tantrum, revealing the deep state conservativism and swirling racism now being threatened by reformist. Here a list: WI Badger State Sheriff’s Association, WI Chiefs of Police Association, WI Sheriff's and Deputy Sheriff's Association, WI Police Executive Group:

Let's have a Conversation BS: The unmovable vacationing GOP authority are not coming back to work again this year. And yet they're feeling pretty let down that no one wants to "have a conversation" with them about police reform, which they're completely against. That's why what State Rep. Sally Kerkmen said in the clip below is so laughably ridiculous and insulting. From Upfront:

GOP using Protests to Scare Rural and Suburban Voters: It's all starts with Trump. I can't believe the media didn't think Trump's revealing comment in Kenosha didn't point out how backwards Republican thinking is about the protests: 

The mayor of Kenosha and Lt. Governor Barnes have the order, reform= the end of protests, just right...

State Sen. Letonya Johnson bottomed lined the whole GOP problem. But will voters listen?

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