Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Kelly and Dorow are Federalist Society Conservatives fighting “liberal orthodoxy,” and dedicated to “reordering priorities within the legal system.

It's time we end the lie judge and Justice races are "nonpartisan?"  

The GOP Complaint Scheme, Press Falls for it #1:  The last straw for me came when a politically driven "complaint" was filed dialing up phony outrage, specifically designed for use against this Justice's reelection. :

A judicial oversight panel dismissed a complaint filed in 2021 against liberal-leaning Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Jill Karofsky over comments she made during oral arguments in Trump’s lawsuit attempting to overturn the results...
Karofsky: “And for you to come forward today and start just using, throwing out allegations of fraud with zero evidence whatsoever. What — What is America?... It is not governance from a king. And what you want, is you want us to overturn this election so that your king can stay in power. And that is so un-American.” 
The commission said Karofsky should be more careful about appearing to have chosen a side in legal disputes.
Of course, liberal justices "should be more careful," but...

Karofsky's comments were a supposed violation, but not Justice Bradley's bizarre rant from the bench: This is a classic Bradley "fear of tyranny" moment, questioning the power of the state's health secretary during COVID, a power she was granted...

The GOP Complaint Scheme, Press Falls for it #2: Well, that seemed to work really well. Ready for this?
The state GOP to file a complaint with the Wisconsin Judicial Commission alleging Protasiewicz has violated judicial ethics rules. Conservative opponent Dan Kelly, who has called Protasiewicz an activist who is "a danger to our liberties," has prompted the state GOP to file a complaint with the Wisconsin Judicial Commission, alleging Protasiewicz has violated judicial ethics rules.

Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz (conveyed) her belief that women should be able to choose whether to continue pregnancies and has characterized the state's Republican-written legislative maps as "rigged" 
Nothing "literal" about Federalist doctrine of “originalism”: "Besides, Wisconsin has had a conservative majority for some time, why change," said Jennifer Darow? Justice candidate Darow went further, and openly said she will be submissive to Republicans laws, since they are the gerrymandered "voice of the people." Thank WISN report Matt Smith for follow-up questions:

Darow will protect us from a liberal push that will transform Wisconsin, in not a good way. Did we hear that right?

BREAKING: Dan Kelly not an "activist." Was he completely impartial the last two years working for Republicans? JSonline:

Former state Republican Party Chairman Andrew Hitt said in a deposition last year to the U.S. House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that he and Kelly had "pretty extensive conversations" about the fake elector scheme. Kelly was serving as the party's "special counsel" at the time.
Abortion Ban is now Constitutional, and candidate Dan Kelly says he will follow the Constitution. That's crystal clear:

Dan Kelly on Justice Hagedorn's slightly less predictable MAGA vote, noting a predictable justice is a good justice. Shaping a decision around a predetermined outcome: "We're just a little surprised at how he turned out." "We didn't have anything like a record we could point to...and that became a problem...he didn't mean the same things we mean...!

Kelly continues to inadvertently tell us how he'll vote...on public health policy (not laws):
In that case, Secretary-designee of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Andrea Palm approved the state’s “safer at home” policy, under her department’s statutory authority to “promulgate and enforce rules or issue orders for guarding against the introduction of any communicable disease into the state.” Republicans in the Wisconsin State Legislature sued to block the order, and the Supreme Court’s four remaining conservatives agreed.

Here’s how Kelly, at Tuesday’s event, described what happened: “The Secretary of Human Services says, ‘You can’t go to work unless I tell you. You can’t take your children to school unless I tell you. You can’t go to church unless I tell you to. You can’t do anything unless I tell you to.’ ” Kelly said Palm “came into her Madison office [and typed up the stay-at-home order]. When she was done, she held that up and said, ‘Behold, my law that I just made up today. Legislators have never seen this. They never voted on it, but I made it.’ ”

Palm did not hold up the order and say this.

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