Thursday, February 9, 2023

Can Democrats Ban Conservative "Woke" Curriculum? They should be able to.


Bottom Line, Bans on Wokeness is Government Censorship: Does the 1st Amendment make an exception to allow government censorship of "woke" ideas, or government censorship of ideas that make some people feel uncomfortable? Didn't think so. 

The frustrating part of the anti-wokeness movement is the lack of legal challenges mentioned in the media. Can we assume there are any? A legal challenge to what is obviously government censorship of ideas, language, and books seems like it would be a slam dunk win in court, even in a radically activist Supreme Court. Can it be more obvious...

So even if there are current challenges to government censorship in schools, even if we're not hearing about them, I've got a sure-fire way to win this case and get the word out: 
Democratic districts should propose banning conservative "wokeness," schools that push right wing indoctrination that whitewashes history, teaches white Western European culture, attacks students based on race, sex and preferred pronouns, orders schools to report these students to their parents, etc.  
It's a two-way street folks, and the Supreme Court would be forced to show their true colors, would they dare support one but not the other? Nope. 

The right-wing media machine would hit critical mass immediately, spreading the "debate" like wild fire across all media outlets. If government can ban supposed "woke" liberal ideas, it could certainly ban "woke" conservative ideas. 

Still, like snowball rolling down hill, the Government Overreach Party (GOP) are getting more insane...

...and this. According to many parents, these students just aren't ready for this: 

Students told WBMA-TV they were ordered to leave out major historical moments, including slavery and the civil rights movement, from the program scheduled for Feb. 22 at Hillcrest High School in Tuscaloosa.

The students were told they “couldn’t talk about slavery and civil rights because one of our administrators felt uncomfortable,” said Black History Month Program board member J’Niyah Suttles, a senior who participated in Wednesday's walkout. Tuscaloosa County Superintendent Dr. Keri Johnson, in a statement, denied allegations that an administrator told the students to leave out historical elements.

This just in...again, students just aren't ready for this:

Republican Senator Daniel Emrich, who is the bill’s sponsor, said the bill will make sure students are taught facts.
“If we operate on the assumption that a theory is fact, unfortunately, it leads us to asking questions that may be potentially based on false assumptions,” Emrich said.
Finally, Democrats should take a big hint from conservative David Jolly, who's talked about this idea before; insecure parenting...

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