Thursday, April 1, 2021

Dismantling the mindless Second Amendment contortions giving people the right to bear arms!

It's time to finally dispel any and all of the contorted interpretations of the 2nd Amendment, despite the radical activism of the Supreme Court, that twisted the "Heller" decision into a pretzel, justifying the right of everyone to have a gun. 

First, Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger and Justice William Breyer on one of the "greatest pieces of fraud" pushed by the NRA and far right groups:

I recently came across these thoughtful commentaries that make Justice Scalia's decision sound right-wing crazy.

The Much Misunderstood Second Amendment | William Harwood | TED: Wikipedia describes Harwood this way: "William R. Harwood is a scientist and author, contributor to Skeptical Inquirer, Free Inquiry, and contributing editor to the American Rationalist. He is the author of over 50 books including Mythology’s Last Gods (Prometheus, 1992), God, Jesus and the Bible: The Origin and Evolution of Religion, Dictionary of Contemporary Mythology; The Disinformation Cycle." 

Here's Matthew Cooke, Facebook's "Ted" lecturer. As described by IMDb: "Actor / Filmmaker / Activist Matthew Cooke's social justice and advocacy commentaries have been viewed over 100 million times on FaceBook.

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