
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Do we have the Freedom to NOT have Guns? Not anymore says small Conn. Town!.

Second Amendment supporters are now forcing communities that can't afford expensive lawsuits to stay away from gun regulations, and live with the tyranny brought down on them by armed madmen. 

I almost forgot how I used to argue for my own right to live in a safer society without guns, or the threat from open carry guys stoked with ammo injected confidence.

Gun proponents are few in number, but lets face it, they've got guns. There's a reason this was a bad idea right out of the gate.

Does this sound rational to you, and is this the new normal?
MSNBC: Selectman Dennis Tracey of Weston, Conn. says his town has received “veiled physical threats” after the local government proposed new gun restrictions.

“We got significant pressure from outside which was really surprising, including outside groups posting our names and personal information on their websites,” Tracey said onJansing & Co Wednesday.”We’ve gotten emails and phone calls at our homes from all over the country…from people who really don’t care about the people of our town but really have an agenda to push and are trying to put pressure on us to stop our rational conversation.”

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