
Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Humpty Dumpty World of Rep. Paul Ryan, Fascism is what he says it is.

I recently posted the explanation below where Paul Ryan blames Democrats for being in bed with corporate American. Although laughable, because it's pretty clear it's been the other way around for a century, Ryan's still selling the idea:

"Rep. Paul Ryan makes the outlandish claim that liberal regulation of business is fascism, where corporations collude to take power away from the people with the governments help, and deregulation is the only way to separate that entanglement."
But there's another reason why Ryan is dead wrong.

It hasn't been government regulation in the public interest, but government regulation in the corporate interest. That’s the difference Rep. Paul Ryan isn’t telling you. He conflates the two as a way pushing a policy of deregulation that only affects big business, leaving the public to mop up after the next financial or environmental disaster. So big deal, what if Americans lose their investments, retirement savings, jobs and the basic necessities of life. Under the banner of freedom and liberty, the logic is simple, “accidents happen.”

Barry Eisler’s “Inside Out,” put it this way about conservative support of corporate power:
The oligarchy is right out in the open. It’s a collection of people in business, politics, the military, and the media who recognize their interests are better served by cooperation than they would be by competition. The establishment is bigger now, more entrenched.

It’s a ratchet effect. There hasn’t been a federal law in the last sixty years that’s done, other than increase the government’s power and influence, and the power and influence of the corporations that manage the government by extension. The leviathan only grows.

The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers…that’s all just window dressing now, the artifacts of an ancient mythology, the vestments of a dead religion. We need something different now, something suited for the modern world.

It’s (the Constitution is) fiction, but necessary fiction. Part of what makes America strong is the society’s belief that we’re a constitutional republic. That no one is above the law.
The shoe fits in this case. Never before have we seen a party embrace "window dressing," the public image of a lawmaker who concentrates on "defending" the constitution, flag pins, showing anger, acting tough, while at the same time criticizing thoughtful and deliberate action.

For example. Republicans vehemently oppose more bailouts, but support a liability cap on BP which would stick taxpayers with the cleanup bill. Where are the Tea Party's objections to more wasteful spending?

Eisler is right, and sadly, the new right wing embraces the horrific description above.

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