
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Impeach a Supreme Court Justice, spend Tax Cut money on Inflated Prices, and Raise Brewer Ticket Prices. WI MAGA Republican's governing solutions.

Remember the perpetually aggrieved MAGA's never ending whining about how Democrats never gave Trump a chance and wanted to impeach him before he was even elected? Well...

...playing up the high crime rate in Milwaukee caused by starving the city of shared revenue funding to hire more police and the constant loosening of gun laws, time to blame...the judges? Sure:
The Wisconsin Constitution allows lawmakers to remove state officials "for corrupt conduct in office, or for crimes and misdemeanors," but Republican state Senate candidate Dan Knodl said he would consider launching impeachment proceedings for criminal justice officials "who have failed" at their jobs. "Milwaukee County justice system is failing" and circuit court judges "need to be looked at"

Knodl says if his election gives Senate Republicans a two-thirds majority, he would "certainly consider" support launching impeachment proceedings against Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz. "She has failed," Knodl said.


State Senate candidate Habush Sinykin told WISN-TV on Sunday said if she is defeated by Knodl on Tuesday, she expects Republican lawmakers of launching impeachment proceedings against Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, Attorney General Josh Kaul and other officials.
Tax Cuts and Ticket Prices: Knodl's MAGA solutions to Inflation and keeping the Brewers? Pricing out hard-working Brewer fans to pay for stadium renovations, despite massive surpluses, continues the Republican war on revenue generating Milwaukee.

Instead of considering $290 million from the state's surplus, raise ticket prices...always thinking of the hard-working middle class: 

How do you fight inflation? I'm not kidding here, Knodl wants to give a tax cut so you can spend that extra money on higher priced goods? Of course, they could raise the minimum wage...

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