
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

MAGA Weekly: Christian Nation-Replacement Theory-Trump aids Putin War-Good-bye Social Security for real-Saudi Oil Price Hike Oct Surprise!

 What does it really mean to be a "Christian nation?" It allows MAGA Republicans to argue the "government" is getting between you and God. 

"Replacing You" at Work? It's surreal how MAGAs completely miss how ridiculous that sounds. Immigrant's may be working side-by-side with everyone else, but how will they find a way to "replace" you? As a friend recently put it, "It can't get more Nazi than this."

Trump + MAGAs hands Putin's Russia Media Talking points: Aiding the enemy? Sure. Video of Trump's comment is the first response after this tweet, check it out: 



No, really, Social Security and Medicare about to END: What's most amazing about these threats, is that they're bold enough to do this just before a midterm election: 

Biden ad makes this point:

Here's the plan:
Gradually raise the Medicare age of eligibility to 67 and the Social Security eligibility to 70 before indexing both to life expectancy. It backed withholding payments to those who retired early and had earnings over a certain limit. And it endorsed the consideration of options to reduce payroll taxes that fund Social Security and redirect them to private alternatives. It also urged lawmakers to “phase-in an increase in means testing” for Medicare.

Hollywood's Communist Bent? China owns 'em: A Gay Superman has been canceled? I did not know that. Christians now want to reclaim Hollywood for their messages:


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