Thursday, August 26, 2021

Americans should be fed up with anti-Mask and Vaccine bans as Killer GQP make this their "killer" platform!

The surreal and suicidal ranting of Trump mobs participants over vaccines and masks has turned liberals, progressives and Democrats into something Trumpian losers are not going to like. The principle is simple, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And for as long as I can remember, conservatives have relied on and benefited from seeing their failures get bailed out by Democrats every time, all the while maintaining they did nothing wrong. 

It all started with a moment of bad karma for a mask and vaccine mandate opponent downplaying the pandemic. Wisconsin State Journal:

Oddly, the irony and blowback from the left  was something Covid deniers, down-players, spreaders, and dummies didn't expect. 

Freedom from Mask and Vaccines Governor Nominee Kleefisch Clueless: Republicans say the plot to promote masks and vaccines to destroy our economy is rooted in the socialist/Commie agenda. Real freedom and liberty is an individual thing that could infect and kill everybody else, and they're going to run on banning masks and vaccine mandates, like Klueless Kleefisch. That's decent?:

Having had enough of this irresponsible endless GQP tantrum...

Roys fundraising link indicated that she expected Andre Jacque to get well and seek reelection. But that wasn't the end of the blowback against the right-wing phony outrage. WISN 12

Here's Andres brother Pierre's uncensored response. NOTE: I couldn't have said it better myself:

 The Daily Show Jordan Klepper made Pierre's case with this amazing piece:

...and this from CNN;

...or this threatening bit of possible violent insanity:

...and the balls to use our kids as herd immunity fodder so Republican politicians can grand stand and dig their heels in even deeper:

"Protecting out kids from states own governors...."

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