Sunday, May 16, 2021

The now ridiculous "I heard from constituents...voiced concerns...possibility that..." pushes Republican agenda. What, afraid to tell the Truth?

How many times have we heard this unquestioned "scheme" from Republicans who's only public feedback is from like-minded activists?

We "heard from constituents...voiced concerns...the possibility that..." 

Sure, in some alternate Bizarro World timeline, such a possibility does exist.

For example, the story below makes it clear we don't need to test for Covid at the UW anymore, because someone "voiced concerns." I highlighted the key thought:

Sen. Rob Stafsholt, R, (has) a bill that would prohibit the state's universities and technical colleges from requiring regular coronavirus testing or vaccination in order to attend classes or access campus buildings. Stafsholt heard from "constituents and students" expressing concerns....
"It raises concern as to the possibility that this UW-System policy invades these students' medical information privacy,"
The "Concerns" are Wrong!!! Say it:  On NPR's Morning Edition I heard former Republican politician Jeff Flake say something that rang true. Here's audio of Jeff Flake explaining why this overused and fake reason to act irresponsibly and recklessly to make bad policy: 

"We're changing what it means to be an elected official in a representative government...many of my colleagues will say they are simply - in going along with these conspiracy theories or buying into the big lie, that they are just representing their constituents and that that's somehow noble of them when that really runs against what representative government is supposed to be. And that's just been a cop-out for people in my party. Too many will say they're representing their constituents when they ought to tell their constituents, you're wrong. And that's a big problem when you have too many party people willing to indulge their constituents if their constituents truly believe that, when in truth, they simply reinforce these beliefs.

A lot of people wholeheartedly believe...

But instead, we must live by Bizarro World Code: 


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