
Friday, February 28, 2020

AG Barr warns of progressive secular Totalitarian Democracy, wants religion to guide American values.

Who knew Attorney General William Barr, speaking to the National Religious Broadcasters, would open a whole new can of worms, like the term "totalitarian democracy?"

When I heard his comments in the clip below on NPR, my head exploded, since it sounded like another extreme example of GOP projection:
Barr: "Totalitarian democracy seeks to submerge the individual in a collectivist agenda … subverts individual freedom in favor of elite conceptions about what best serves the collective."
But it's Trump's elite conceptions that cultists claim "know what best serves the collective," they being the collective, right? It's blind fanaticism that still takes my breath away. Just more vilification of the other half of our countries citizens.

Here's a typical and almost cliched antigovernmental thought; "AG Barr challenged the notion that government exists to make society more just." Crazy to want society to be more just.

Isn't it ironic that Republicans are making government less responsive to its citizens, the very definition of totalitarian democracy? Barr projects how Democrats are to blame. Not surprisingly, there's even a Nazi tie in:
Totalitarian democracy is a paradoxical term popularized by Israeli historian J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process. It gained currency in the 1930s as a means of singling out those common traits which were curiously shared by Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia
Channeling the spirits of the founders, Barr somehow knew exactly what they were thinking when the wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and it sure wasn't a "united states" they were looking to create:
BARR: "The framers would have seen a one-size-fits-all government for hundreds of millions of people, of diverse citizens as being utterly unworkable and the straight road to tyranny. The tacit goal of this project is to convert all of us into 25-year-olds living in the government's basement focusing our energies on obtaining a larger allowance rather than getting a job and moving out." (applause) 
Barr wants one person's religion, and not government, to transform the world one powerless person at a time. Forget all that "collective" stuff. Meanwhile, the elite and powerful who have more monitized "freedom," will have no limits. Note: Barr sees "men" as the controlling power:
BARR: "The mission is not to make new men or transform the world through the use of government power. On the contrary, the central idea is that the right way to transform the world is for each of us to focus on morally transforming ourselves."
The corporately funded right-wing media outlets, corporate Fox News, and corporate think tanks churning out conservative propaganda aren't corporate? It's all those other companies against Trump's cultist sentiment. Note: You'll notice Barr only talks about "viewpoints" and "perspective" as replacement for facts in news, which is pretty much what it's like today: 
WILLIAM BARR: "The corporate--or mainstream--media press is massively consolidated …  remarkably monolithic … This is not a positive cycle, and I think it is fair to say that it puts the press’ role as a breakwater for the tyranny of the majority in jeopardy.

That is where you come in. You are one of the last holdouts in the consolidation of organs and viewpoints of the press. It is, therefore, essential that you continue your work and continue to supply the people with diverse, divergent perspectives on the news of the day. And in this secular age, it is especially vital that your religious perspective is voiced.
The dominionistic views of the Trump Republican cult, which is just another poisoning of religion, is a major reason for a more secular state. With both the Constitution and religion usurping the constitutional, anything is acceptable. I will post the speech highlights soon, from this bag of winds 35 minute liberal takedown.

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