
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Trump "bet that Republican voters didn’t really care about free trade or mutual security, or about the environment, much less deficits...let a lot of long-suppressed demons out of the box."

I think the following just about defines the Trump cultist Republicans (yes the entire party now) perfectly. After reading this opinion, I had to see who wrote this, and shocker, the guy is a GOP consultant. No wonder he nailed it:
In Ronald Reagan’s America, being born an American was to win’s life lottery; in Donald Trump’s America, it makes you a victim, a patsy, a chump.

Trump didn’t hijack the GOP and bend it to his will. He did something far easier: He looked at the party, saw its fault lines and then offered himself as a pure distillation of accumulated white grievance and anger. He bet that Republican voters didn’t really care about free trade or mutual security, or about the environment or Europe, much less deficits. He rebranded kindness and compassion as “PC” and elevated division and bigotry as the admirable goals of just being politically incorrect. Trump didn’t make Americans more racist; he just normalized the resentments that were simmering in many households. In short, he let a lot of long-suppressed demons out of the box.

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