
Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Nike ad drooling Trump Losers hate, exploiting the military to divide Americans!

Trump followers everywhere hate this Nike ad. Why? Their "orange" President Trump created a fake, drummed up, and twisted attack on all the players kneeling during the National Anthem to protest racial inequalities and police violence against minorities in America. It wasn't about the military or the flag. As one military group pointed out, veterans were being used by Scott Waker and Trump to divide Americans. Now that's respecting the military?

Many veterans feel much different than the conservative flag-waving contingent so in love with car magnets and phony symbolism:
WaPo: One strand of criticism is particularly disturbing: the notion that kneeling during the anthem is a specific affront to veterans and service members. As Kurt Schlichter, a combat veteran and contributor for Fox News, put it, Kaepernick “is targeting us. He knows what this means to us. He knows how insulting it is. He knows how disrespectful it is, and Nike is empowering it.” Someone wrote: “Anyone not respecting our flag should be deported. Many veterans and servicemen and women have died and suffered grievous wounds for this flag and anthem and constitution. Have some respect.” This reasoning is rooted in a premise that is both wrong and dangerous. 

If kneeling for the anthem and the flag is a direct offense toward the military, that means veterans have a stronger claim to these symbols than Americans in general do. The argument insists that American iconography represents us more than it represents anyone else.

Yet the flag is not a symbol reserved for the military. It is a symbol of the United States of America, and it belongs equally to all citizens, including Americans who kneel during the anthem, or those who wear flag shirts (which is also in violation of the unenforceable flag code), or even those who burn the flag.
I think this sums it up...
What’s more, believing that we have a special claim to the flag conflicts with the fundamental values of the armed forces, which elevate service over self. Serving is an honor the American people grant us, and it is Americans — in their totality — whom we serve. This does not give us license to appropriate national symbols as our own exclusive banners. Service is a privilege, not a way to purchase greater moral authority.

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