
Monday, April 24, 2017

Trump's First 100 Days? Weak, very Weak...a Failure. Sad!

It wasn't so long ago, Republicans were trashing "Emperor" Obama for writing executive orders. Well...remember....?
Republicans skewered President Obama as an "emperor" who acted outside of his "legal authority" for the executive orders he issued from the Oval Office. Now, they are cheering President Donald Trump as he issues a raft of his own. 

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., criticized Obama for "temper tantrum-like behavior" Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said "It is behavior that undermines, and will ultimately erode, the foundation of our democracy and our freedom." Sen. Jeff Sessions called Obama "emperor" for his use of executive action on immigration. 

Paul Ryan condemned Obama's executive orders, calling a handful aimed at reducing gun violence "a dangerous level of executive overreach." In a press conference, Ryan argued that Trump's executive orders were different — because he agreed with the actions. "It's quite the opposite. President Obama used his pen and phone to exceed his powers in our perspective. 
Trump's Failed 100 Days:  So far, it's not looking too good for Trump, but why should it, he's riffing his way through the presidency. Trump has  66 executive actions so far: 
As of April 19 Trump had issued 24 executive orders, 22 presidential memorandums and 20 proclamations, none of Trump’s bills can be considered “major” legislation according to political science standards.
Trump's budget Director Mick Mulvaney bragged about "signing more executive orders than any previous administration in the last 50 years:"

Let's compare administrations, Trump vs Obama: GOP values rise to the top in Trump's amazing list of accomplishments below:
Obama's first few weeks in office (he signed) the children's' health insurance, stimulus and omnibus spending bills alone added up to nearly $1.3 trillion:
1. $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

1. $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

2. Extended federal funding for children's health insurance

3. Authorized millions of acres of new public wilderness areas.

4. Employers for pay discrimination and authorized a $410 billion omnibus spending bill.
Trump's legislative accomplishments? Two bills naming VA clinics, two more promoting women in STEM fields, one legislative exception to allow Jim Mattis to serve as secretary of Defense ... authorizing $19.5 billion in NASA spending. Trump's repeal of Obama-era regulations account for (nearly) half of Trump's 28 signed pieces of legislation. Among other things, those rollbacks will:

1. Make it easier for certain mentally ill people to purchase guns;

2. Make it easier to shoot sleeping bears in their dens or from helicopters;

3. Remove certain waterway protections from coal mining waste;

4. Allow Internet service providers to track and sell customers' Web browser history without requiring permission;

5. And make it easier to drug test people receiving unemployment benefits.
Check out the graph below:

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