
Monday, February 27, 2017

Walker lied about ACA collapse in Minnesota with misleading quote from Gov. Mark Dayton.

Nothing for Scott Walker is exempt from deceptive exploitation. Take this recent tweet:

Wow, that would be breaking news if it wasn't so misleading. Dayton was referring to those on the exchanges who made too much money to qualify for a subsidy. That's not the story Walker wanted you to know, but then what's new? 

Dayton is doing what Walker isn't; he's helping make health care more affordable to higher income Minnesotans because he cares. Walker is not.

I'll try to simply...

Gov. Dayton decided to help those buying insurance on the exchanges who were unfairly paying their full premium, no subsidy. My own brother complained about that last month. Here's the big story that hit the fan in Minnesota, the story Dayton was addressing in the "quote" above:
A Wabasha County Sexton family who is seeing a nearly 40-percent spike in premiums … the Sexton family paid $1,585 a month for insurance coverage. This year, their monthly premium jumped to $2,197. That's a hike of nearly 40 percent. For farm families, the fluctuating prices of milk make paying for increased premiums even tougher.

Gov. Mark Dayton proposed a 25-percent health insurance premium rebate for those who purchased their insurance on the individual market, but don't qualify for federal tax credits. The governor said the plan would help about 125,000 Minnesotans. Thanks to the premium relief the Legislature and the governor authorized in late January, Sheri and Vince will save about $6,600 on their annual premiums this year.
Simply put...
The Governor’s direct relief would reduce average 2017 rate increases from 55 percent to 16 percent for individuals with incomes over $47,520 and families of four with incomes over $97,200, but who did not receive federal tax credits.
It gets even more embarrassing for Walker when you see what Dayton proposed a few weeks later:
In 1992, Gov. Arne Carlson and legislators from both parties created MinnesotaCare — a state-operated health insurance plan. We believe that Minnesotans should have the freedom to buy their health insurance through MinnesotaCare. Their premiums would cover the full cost of their policies, so there would be no ongoing subsidies from the state. The MinnesotaCare "Buy-in Option" would provide a more affordable choice for another 100,000 Minnesotans, who now buy coverage for themselves or their families on the individual market.

Another strong benefit of this proposal, particularly for Minnesotans in rural areas of the state, is the broad networks of physicians and care providers available through MinnesotaCare.
You'll notice Dayton is talking about everyone in Minnesota, INCLUDING rural areas. Dayton is a proactive governor who continues to try and solve problems.

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