
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Real Donald Trump, in 1 hour 19 minutes...a must see story!

I would have normally tried to edit a short clip, just to get a feel for the Real Donald Trump, but I couldn't. This is an old documentary that is devoid of politics.

The horror is that the American voters put this guy in control of the US, and the world. He hasn't changed his style one bit either. This film is currently free to watch on YouTube, but may be gone soon, since iTunes is selling the video.
As the film’s new website explains, the documentary saw two screenings and was never again shown or broadcast anywhere else:
"The film was commissioned in 1988 by Leonard Stern as the first of a series on celebrity businessmen and finished in 1991. Back then, the only way for a film to be seen was on television or in the theater. Donald threatened to sue any broadcaster or distributor that took on the film. In effect, it was suppressed."

This YouTube comment pretty much summed it up:
I was on the fence about Trump before watching this doc. Since it was made well before any Presidential aspirations, there doesn't seem to be any agenda other than exposing the truth of his past. This doc should be required viewing for every American. We all should start to prepare ourselves for this tidal wave coming at us in the next 4 years.

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