
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

State Rep. Bernier to Constituents worried about Schools: "We want more money, we want more money and we don't like this or that."

Our Republican one party authority apparently will no longer tolerate dissent.

Check out this rude and irresponsible response by Rep. Kathy Bernier. Time for someone to grow up and find work elsewhere, maybe with a little help from the electorate:
State Rep. Kathy Bernier (R-Lake Hallie) walked out of a Monday meeting with representatives of three local school districts, upset when an Eau Claire School Board member stated that Wisconsin’s economy compared unfavorably with Minnesota’s.

“Fundamentally, Minnesota is beating us,” said Wendy Sue Johnson, citing a Jan. 20 article written by state Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (D-Alma), who also attended the meeting. “Our (school) funding formula is broken,” Johnson added.
It looks like Minnesota is a bigger sore spot than Scott Walker is letting on. I'm pretty sure Bernier is also very frustrated defending the indefensible failure of supply side lunacy. 

Weirder still, Bernier has received similar complaints everywhere else, but instead of getting the message, she just got mad:
Bernier then got up to leave the “Breakfast with Our Legislators” session. “It is not helpful to compare Minnesota and Wisconsin,” Bernier said, remarking that this is what she experiences with Altoona, Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls each time she attends the districts’ breakfast.

Bernier later said she hears the same theme when she meets with representatives of the three districts: “We want more money, we want more money and we don’t like this or that.”

“This vile political speech is not helpful,” Bernier said before leaving. “Sweeping partisan statements coming out of a non-partisan member just ticked me off.”

Johnson said, “It’s clearly disappointing when our representatives are not willing to engage in conversations about the issues.”

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