
Monday, August 17, 2015

Are Voters really "reserving their copy of Scott Walker's #ObamaCare repeal and replace plan?"

I rarely agree with blogger Christian Schneider, but his targeted tweet at Scott Walker nailed it:

Game of Thrones' George R.R. Martin is known for taking an endless amount of time writing very long books, which frustrates his fan base...similar to "Stand with Walker" believers I'm guessing.

Walker's plan will no doubt be a regurgitation of every free market, "patient centered" GOP idea we've rejected for years. The problem: the failed individual market (the ACA replaced it) was based on free market principles that resulted in dropped junk policies, weeded out those with preexisting conditions, and saw double digit premium increases that screamed collusion within the industry. Yea, lets try that again. 

Citizen Action of Wisconsin notified the public of this bit of "ObamaCare" irony: 
On Tuesday August 18th, Scott Walker's Presidential Campaign is going to release his plan to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act. It is not often you get advanced notice of a major gaffe, but this is one of those times.

The reason is that, of all the places the Walker Campaign could choose to release their healthcare plan, they pick the one state that shows how to properly rein in insurance companies - Wisconsin's western neighbor Minnesota. Minnesota has the most affordable health coverage in the country, while Wisconsin has the most expensive Silver plans in the Midwest.
 In fact, the cost disparity is so bad that the small business in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center where Walker is announcing his plan would likely be paying from $500 to over $1,000 more per employee if they were based in Milwaukee County, where Walker used to be County Executive. Minnesota uses rate review to police insurance company rate increases to root out excessive costs. 

Average Silver plans are 60% more in Wisconsin, averaging $1,692 more per person per year, and the average Silver plan in Wisconsin has a $600 higher annual deductible.

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